In the event you build a completely new website, it’s vital to locate the best layout for it. Through the Patrol Bureau Control Panel you can do that really fast. We have now for you a selection of over 800 one–of–a–kind site themes accessible for no cost. They are found with all our cloud hosting accounts and are also entirely customizable.
Practically all of our web templates are created only for Patrol Bureau’s solutions and are not obtainable anywhere else outside of the Control Panel. This means that the chances to discover another person with similar theme just like you will be really low.
800+ Zero Cost Layout Templates
Entirely customizable. Auto Setting up
To save you time in selecting the appropriate appearance for your site, we have crafted a set of more than 800 zero cost layout templates in the Patrol Bureau Control Panel. The styles were made to handle distinct topics and requirements – you can find web templates for personal sites including blogs or portfolios and then business sites or online shops.
Each of our zero cost layout templates can be obtained with both Patrol Bureau’s Application Installer as well as our Simple Web Site Installer. This means that you can actually set up the theme you like on a brand new web site in seconds.
Zero Cost Application Layout Templates
Grab zero cost layout templates for your next web app
If you’re planning to build a Joomla™ web site or perhaps start up a new Wordpress blog, you can find a solution for you. With our Application Installer, it is possible to decide on a zero cost layout template when starting your site. Patrol Bureau’s smart system can deploy the theme instead of you and the minute your website goes live, it’s going to feature the site theme you have chosen.
The zero cost layout templates aren’t confined to merely Joomla™ or WordPress. We have zero cost layout templates for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).
Zero Cost Site Builder Layout Templates
100+ perfectly customizable zero cost layout templates
From the Patrol Bureau Control Panel, you will get the ability to access our Free Web Site Builder tool, the features more than 100 exceptional web themes. Each individual theme includes a pair of distinctive designs and several color alternatives. You are able to alter all these themes the way you want.
You don’t have to possess any kind of expertise in HTML or CSS to change the styles inside our Website Installer. Everything is performed via the bundled editor, that is easy to implement.