When you acquire a virtual or a dedicated server, you'll be able to use it not only to host your personal sites, but also to resell web hosting plans to other people. This allows you to make good money, since the number of people who build their first website keeps growing and the need for website hosting services is growing year after year. Along with the server itself, you will need a merchant account with some payment processor, which will allow you to accept transactions online, and a billing app so that you can link the two of them. To use your own server means having extra control compared to the ordinary website hosting reseller programs. If, for instance, a client needs to run some script which needs a specific application to be present on the server, there will not be any trouble to set it up on a virtual or a dedicated machine, but it is not possible to do that on a shared server where all reseller accounts are generated. With minimum effort and investment, you have the chance to start a successful hosting business on your own and to become a part of the ever-growing hosting market.

Reselling Options in VPS Servers

You can start a hosting reseller business with all the VPS web hosting plans that we supply. To do this, you can select two of the three web hosting Control Panels that we provide, cPanel or DirectAdmin, as they both include a customer as well as a reseller level. Thus, you can make hosting packages with ease. In case you choose cPanel, we'll provide you with a couple of absolutely free bonuses as well - a domain name reseller account with one of the largest registrars you will find, eNom.com, which excludes the deposit that's otherwise required if you open an account with them directly, and a billing and support application called ClientExec, which will enable you to manage invoices and payments and to supply support to your clients. In addition, you'll have full root access to the server, so that you will be able to install anything that you or your clients may need. Using our VPS plans, you're able to create your own reseller company without any difficulty in no time.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers

Our powerful dedicated web hosting plans are a great choice if you wish to create your own website hosting reseller business. Each package has adequate system resources to accommodate numerous users, irrespective of the type of Internet sites that they want to host. Due to the fact that you'll have root-level access to the server, you're able to install any software that they'll need. During the dedicated server order process, you'll be able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin - two of the website hosting Control Panels that we supply, because both of them have client and reseller parts. With DirectAdmin, you can have sub-resellers who can have direct customers of their own. With each and every server ordered with cPanel, on the other hand, we provide a selection of other tools at no extra cost - a domain name reseller account with eNom, one of the most well-known registrar companies, and a billing and support application known as ClientExec, that includes an online payment gateway and a ticketing system.